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anyone can be a victim of crime

Falling victim to a crime is most certainly an unpleasant and at times highly upsetting experience for anybody.
Physical, psychological, economic and social consequences of the crime aside, it is quite normal for anybody involved in court proceedings to experience doubts, anxiety or worry.

If you yourself have become the victim of a crime or know someone who has, this website may offer you help and assistance.
Here you can find information on your rights, on how criminal proceedings work and where to find help and support.

We hope that you will find this website helpful. Here you will also find the contents summarized in a brochure.

We have tried our best to explain everything you need to know in simple and clear terms, while still providing you with as complete and comprehensive information as possible.

The content for this website was compiled by WEISSER RING Deutschland as part of the INFOVICTIMS project and co-financed by the Criminal Justice Support Programme of the European Commission – Directorate-General for Justice. The content reflects WEISSER RING Deutschland point of view and the European Commission cannot be held liable for any use of the information available on this website.
