The states are obliged by the EU-directive to grant access to victim support organisations free of charge. This has to be ensured for the time before, while and after the criminal proceedings.
The victim support organisations have to act in the interest of the victim and are bound to confidentiality.
A victim of a crime will be informed in an understandable language about victim support organisations in the vicinity of its place of residence.
The information will often be provided in the form of a brochure. Victim support organisations offer cost-free information and provide psychological, social and legal support services.
Victims will in particular receive emotional support. Many organisations focus on particular victim groups (e.g. children, women, men or victims of sexual abuse) in order to address the special needs of the victims. Also of importance is the assistance in dealing with the authorities.
Victim support organisations such as WEISSER RING will also provide short-term financial support in emergencies.