The so far mentioned institutions/organisations provide information and support in finding the right addresses. For those who wish to do this alone, the following information applies:
If you wish to report a criminal offence, you will find the next police station amongst other things on the following Internet page at for queries about prevention of crime and protection of victims, refer to the website of the police at
If you wish to have an interim injunction issued in cases of domestic violence or stalking, you will find the relevant family court at the Justice Portal of the federal and state goverments. You will also find other state courts there if required.
You may apply for recognition at the next benefits office (Versorgungsamt) pursuant to the Victims Compensation Act. You will find the responsible Office on the Website of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare or in this list . Here you will also find a standardised application form in English.
If you have been the victim of an offense abroad you can find support during the application at the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare
When searching for suitable lawyers, the bar associations at will assist you and different other portals, may be of assistance.