This page contains documents and application forms which you may download and fill out for your own private use.
DIRECTIVE 2012/29/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 25 October 2012 establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime, and replacing the Council Framework Decision 2001/220/JI The directive to be implemented by 16 November 2015 underlines very clearly in several paragraphs that victims have to be recognised and treated with respect. All types of discrimination have to be avoided. In addition, victims have to be protected from repeated victimisation.
INFOVICTIMS BROCHURE (engish language) - Here you will find summarized information about your rights, about the criminal process and where you can find support bundled in one brochure.
A standardised application in German for the care of the injured party pursuant to the Victims Compensation Act and a cover sheet with general information:
A standardised application form in German for the granting of equitable compensation for victims of extremist attacks and a leaflet with general information:
A standardised application form in German for the payment of hardship benefits for victims of terrorist offences and a leaflet with general information:
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